
MAP testing

MAP testing

What is it? 

The Measure of Academic Progress, or MAP, is a computerized adaptive exam that assists teachers, parents, and administrators in improving learning for all children and making educated decisions to support a child's academic development.

What is MAP testing used for?

The MAP scale is used to assess a student's academic development. Teachers value the exam information since it identifies a student's strengths, as well as any areas where there is room for growth. It uses smart AI technology to create interactive questions where it becomes more challenging depending on whether it's answered correctly or incorrectly. Thus, each question is tailored to the student. 

This information will be used by teachers to assist them in guiding lessons in the classroom. If you've ever used a growth chart at home to indicate how much your child has grown from year to year, you are already familiar with the scale MAP uses to assess your child's intellectual growth. 

How does ASU utilize MAP testing? 

MAP testing is conducted at ASU from grades 2-11 and is given 3 times per year (September, February and May). It is a visual representation of the progress students make throughout his/her schooling.ASU then compiles this data and compares it with results from other schools around the world, such as schools in the United States, as well as schools in East Asia.

ASU monitors the growth from test to test, transforming this data into a well-comprehensive, yet applicable language available for teachers and parents to check the progress of the student. 

The “Family report” is available for parents to observe their child’s readiness for taking the SAT/ACTs, as well as university-level subjects. Furthermore, this report enables us to check their growth, which skills they lack, and potential areas of development. 

ASU results 

ASU’s results from tests are continually and consistently higher than the USA average in core subjects including reading, language usage, and mathematics. Although our students were learning remotely for a year and a half, ASU has demonstrated a high level of academic growth during this time of adversity. Our results continue to indicate that our students score higher than the US mean in all grade levels, despite the majority of our students being non-English native speakers. 

This comparison allows us to analyze the data to differentiate and further assist in our teaching methods. 

To build our students' sense of ownership and academic agency, we continually advocate for our students to demonstrate a high level of using analytical skills, as well as gathering and processing data. 

Therefore, they have successfully demonstrated the ability to solve problems, make decisions, and resolve conflicts. To maintain the high standards we expect, ASU students consistently review, evaluate, and edit their own work with the assistance of their teachers. 

How is MAP beneficial for ASU students? 

Since MAP testing consists of multiple sections including reading, language usage, mathematics, it provides students with the opportunity to practice taking tests such as the IELTS, TOEFL, SAT and ACT’s. These tests are crucial for university application. Students who score average or above average in MAP have shown to score higher in such standardized assessments. Thus, MAP testing not only assesses students academic ability, but also aids in their real-life skills to enhance their test taking and analytical and academic skills which ultimately prepares them for university and post-graduate courses they might seek to undertake afterward. 

”Family report” 

For more information (link in bio): 


  1. Teach.mapnwea.org. 2022. 2020 NWEA MAP Growth normative data overview. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 February 2022].
  2. Photo from: Teach.mapnwea.org. 2022. Family Report. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 February 2022].

Published on: 2022/03/09